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Exercices et jeux en vedette

First step image of playbook Ponsarnau's pick and roll sideline
One of the best sideline out of bounds plays of the season - bonus points for hiding the Spain pick and roll until the last moment #Out-of-bounds-plays #Out-of-bounds-plays
First step image of playbook High-Pace Finishing Warm-Up
This is a very versatile drill in terms of the number of players, as it can be used from 5 people to more than 12. In addition, the intensity of the exercise is independent of the number of players performing it. This is because the exercise only uses half a court, so if we have a large group we...
First step image of playset EJERCICIOS BSR
First step image of playset Close Out: detalles técnicos y ejercicios para enseñarlo
Detalles técnicos

Evidentemente no todos los close outs son iguales, pero hay unos detalles técnicos que son puntos clave de enseñanza para realizarlos correctamente.

  1. Posición y postura defensiva. Estar bien colocado y en buena postura defensiva son aspectos clave para ahorrar tiempo, recorrer el...
First step image of playset After Timeout Plays examples
Créée par Coach F.
After timeout plays, also known as ATOs, are special half court sets that are designed by the coaching staff during a timeout featuring various offensive actions such as basketball screens or basketball cuts with the main purpose of creating scoring opportunities near the basket or near the...
