
Conditioning in basketball involves a series of exercises and drills designed to improve a player's overall physical fitness, endurance, and stamina. These workouts focus on building strength, speed, agility, and cardiovascular health. Conditioning is essential to ensure players can maintain a high level of performance throughout the game.

First step image of playbook 1vs1 DEFENSOR DECIDE + 1vs1 pista completa
Created by Javier Roldán
 1.- El defensor se coloca en línea de fondo y el atacante en medio campo. 
 2.- El defensor decide que cono rodea y va a defender. Mientras el atacante, va al aro a máxima velocidad...
First step image of playbook POSTES REPETIDORES
First step image of playbook Lado contrario cruzado
Ejercicio para condición física adaptada al baloncesto, donde trabajaremos físico y además pase en movimiento, recepciones finalizaciones y rebote.
First step image of playbook High pace warm-up in Z
This basketball drill is a high-tempo warm-up that we can use to improve the physical fitness of our team. We are going to work with simple finishes in general, since the main objective is not...
First step image of playbook High-Pace Finishing Warm-Up
This is a very versatile drill in terms of the number of players, as it can be used from 5 people to more than 12. In addition, the intensity of the exercise is independent of the number of players...
First step image of playbook Rompepiernas
Created by David
 Ejercicio de 1X1 intenso. 
First step image of playbook 2x2 cuatro esquinas
First step image of playbook Warm -up #1
First step image of playbook Marca/ Contención con definición
First step image of playbook Marca/ Contención con definición (2)
Created by Jesus
Juego de 1 vs 1
solo se puede pasar por una de las dos puertas, si se pasa por la puerta del fondo solo se puede lanzar en bandeja, si se pasa por la puerta de 45~ se lanza de flotadora.
First step image of playbook MANEJO SILLA Y BALON
Created by Ruben Mullor
Belongs to set: EJERCICIOS BSR
First step image of playbook FISICO
Created by Ruben Mullor
Belongs to set: EJERCICIOS BSR
First step image of playbook CATCH AND SHOOT
Created by Ruben Mullor
First step image of playbook FILL SPACES
Created by Ruben Mullor
Belongs to set: EJERCICIOS BSR
First step image of playbook Circuito aerobico
Created by matias seves
Aerobic circuit, concentration, mobility and occupation of spaces.
First step image of playbook Fast break 3vs0
3x0 fast break drill twisted with one way, the return is performed by the players outside the court while the next trio performs the drill, it can be done with or without a bounce. Very interesting...
First step image of playbook Braided counterattack 3c0 + 2c1
3v0 counterattack drill braided back and forth, performed 2v1. The defender is the player who has finished the 3v0 and the attackers are the other two players, it can be done with or without...
First step image of playbook 3v3 with rebound blocking and attacking the opposite court
6 players are placed outside the zone in two teams of 3 players. The coach shoots the basket. The team that gets the rebound attacks towards the opposite court and the other team defends. We play...
First step image of playbook Rueda de pases + entradas a canasta
First step image of playbook Test de Course Navette
Created by Aaron Zelaya
Consiste en realizar tramos de 20 metros de forma ininterrumpida a un ritmo prefijado y progresivo, con señales sonoras al inicio de la carrera y cada 20 metros en periodos rítmicos de un minuto....
First step image of playbook Pases en pareja
Created by Aaron Zelaya
Pasar la pelota al compañero , 
pase de pecho, pase picado , pase largo
First step image of playbook Calentamiento dinámico 1. Inmunidad
Created by Daniel Herrero
Objetivos técnicos:
Fintas corporales y de pase
Velocidad de reacción, cambios de dirección y ritmo sin balón.
Recepción y ejecución de pase
Objetivos tácticos:
Ocupación de espacios
Pasar y mover
First step image of playbook Agilidad por parejas
First step image of playbook Transición Drill 15-60
#transición #condicionamiento #calentamiento #contraataque
Ejercicio para entrar en calor en el inicio o mitad de entrenamiento. Trabajas condición física con gestos y fundamentos del...
#transición #condicionamiento #calentamiento #contraataqueEjercicio
First step image of playbook LLançament de tir
Farem dos files a mig del camp  a cada camp on posarem un cono al mitg de la línea de tres punts, hauran de fer driblings per avançar i llançar a canasta.